Source code for flask_restx.postman

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import

from time import time
from uuid import uuid5, NAMESPACE_URL

from six import iteritems
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlencode

def clean(data):
    """Remove all keys where value is None"""
    return dict((k, v) for k, v in iteritems(data) if v is not None)

    "string": "",
    "integer": 0,
    "number": 0,

class Request(object):
    """Wraps a Swagger operation into a Postman Request"""

    def __init__(self, collection, path, params, method, operation):
        self.collection = collection
        self.path = path
        self.params = params
        self.method = method.upper()
        self.operation = operation

    def id(self):
        seed = str(" ".join((self.method, self.url)))
        return str(uuid5(self.collection.uuid, seed))

    def url(self):
        return self.collection.api.base_url.rstrip("/") + self.path

    def headers(self):
        headers = {}
        # Handle content-type
        if self.method != "GET":
            consumes = self.collection.api.__schema__.get("consumes", [])
            consumes = self.operation.get("consumes", consumes)
            if len(consumes):
                headers["Content-Type"] = consumes[-1]

        # Add all parameters headers
        for param in self.operation.get("parameters", []):
            if param["in"] == "header":
                headers[param["name"]] = param.get("default", "")

        # Add security headers if needed (global then local)
        for security in self.collection.api.__schema__.get("security", []):
            for key, header in iteritems(self.collection.apikeys):
                if key in security:
                    headers[header] = ""
        for security in self.operation.get("security", []):
            for key, header in iteritems(self.collection.apikeys):
                if key in security:
                    headers[header] = ""

        lines = [":".join(line) for line in iteritems(headers)]
        return "\n".join(lines)

    def folder(self):
        if "tags" not in self.operation or len(self.operation["tags"]) == 0:
        tag = self.operation["tags"][0]
        for folder in self.collection.folders:
            if folder.tag == tag:

    def as_dict(self, urlvars=False):
        url, variables = self.process_url(urlvars)
        return clean(
                "method": self.method,
                "name": self.operation["operationId"],
                "description": self.operation.get("summary"),
                "url": url,
                "headers": self.headers,
                "folder": self.folder,
                "pathVariables": variables,
                "time": int(time()),

    def process_url(self, urlvars=False):
        url = self.url
        path_vars = {}
        url_vars = {}
        params = dict((p["name"], p) for p in self.params)
            dict((p["name"], p) for p in self.operation.get("parameters", []))
        if not params:
            return url, None
        for name, param in iteritems(params):
            if param["in"] == "path":
                url = url.replace("{%s}" % name, ":%s" % name)
                path_vars[name] = DEFAULT_VARS.get(param["type"], "")
            elif param["in"] == "query" and urlvars:
                default = DEFAULT_VARS.get(param["type"], "")
                url_vars[name] = param.get("default", default)
        if url_vars:
            url = "?".join((url, urlencode(url_vars)))
        return url, path_vars

class Folder(object):
    def __init__(self, collection, tag):
        self.collection = collection
        self.tag = tag["name"]
        self.description = tag["description"]

    def id(self):
        return str(uuid5(self.collection.uuid, str(self.tag)))

    def order(self):
        return [ for r in self.collection.requests if r.folder ==]

    def as_dict(self):
        return clean(
                "name": self.tag,
                "description": self.description,
                "order": self.order,

[docs]class PostmanCollectionV1(object): """Postman Collection (V1 format) serializer""" def __init__(self, api, swagger=False): self.api = api self.swagger = swagger @property def uuid(self): return uuid5(NAMESPACE_URL, self.api.base_url) @property def id(self): return str(self.uuid) @property def requests(self): if self.swagger: # First request is Swagger specifications yield Request( self, "/swagger.json", {}, "get", { "operationId": "Swagger specifications", "summary": "The API Swagger specifications as JSON", }, ) # Then iter over API paths and methods for path, operations in iteritems(self.api.__schema__["paths"]): path_params = operations.get("parameters", []) for method, operation in iteritems(operations): if method != "parameters": yield Request(self, path, path_params, method, operation) @property def folders(self): for tag in self.api.__schema__["tags"]: yield Folder(self, tag) @property def apikeys(self): return dict( (name, secdef["name"]) for name, secdef in iteritems( self.api.__schema__.get("securityDefinitions") ) if secdef.get("in") == "header" and secdef.get("type") == "apiKey" ) def as_dict(self, urlvars=False): return clean( { "id":, "name": " ".join((self.api.title, self.api.version)), "description": self.api.description, "order": [ for r in self.requests if not r.folder], "requests": [r.as_dict(urlvars=urlvars) for r in self.requests], "folders": [f.as_dict() for f in self.folders], "timestamp": int(time()), } )